Pirate Treasure Dribbling Game

Chris Johnson 391,875 Views Rating 3.91 (175 Reviews)

This soccer dribbling game is designed for young players ages 3-8. The Pirate Treasure Dribbling Game will focus on young players dribbling skills and is great fun for the kids.

Soccer Drill Diagram: Pirate Treasure Dribbling Game

Soccer Dribbling Game - Pirate Treasure

This soccer dribbling game is designed for young players ages 3-8.
Drill Setup

  1. Create a grid about 30X30. 
  2. Set up about 10 tall cones (the treasure) along one side of the grid. 
  3. On the opposite side have each player (the pirates) start with a ball. 
  4. 2-3 players start in the grid with an alternate color jersey on. They are defending the treasure (tall cones) along the side of the grid.
Drill Instructions

  1. On the coaches command, the pirates attempt to dribble past the defenders to take the treasure.
  2. To take the treasure the players must knock down the cone with the ball.
  3. Once they have knocked down the cone they must pick up the cone and take it back to their starting point while dribbling the ball.
  4. If the pirates lose the ball by the defenders, they must start back over at the original starting point.
Drill Variations

  • Reduce or increase the size of the grid and/or the number of defenders based on age, skill level, and the number of kids.
Drill Coaching Points

  • Keep the ball close and in control.
  • Pick head up while dribbling so they can see where the defenders are.
  • Dribblers should explode past the defenders and dribble with speed.

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