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1v1 Battle - Attacking and Reaction Drill

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 30X40
Players: 4+ Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 18,794
Published: 1/19/2021 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This 1v1 soccer battle drill will focus on the attacker's change of direction, change of pace, and burst of speed to the goal all while working on the defender's ability to close down the attacker quickly, reaction time, speed of recovery, and angles of defense.

This 1v1 soccer battle drill will focus on the attacking and defending aspects of the game.
Drill setup
  1. Create a grid 40 yards wide and 30 yards long. (wider than longer)
  2. Place a small goal or Pugg Goal on each end line.
  3. Split the team into two groups.
  4. Place one group on the sideline without the ball; they will be the attacker.
  5. Place the other group on the opposite sideline with a ball; they will be the defender.
Drill Instructions
  1. The first defender steps out with a ball.
  2. They pass the ball to the first attacker in the line and quickly moves to close down the attack.
  3. The attacker can attack either of the two small goals.
  4. The defender, not knowing which goal he will attack must react quickly to the attacker's movements to close down the attack.
  5. The attacker can fake and feint and go in either direction at any time during this drill.
  6. Once the goal is scored or the ball goes out of bounds, the play is over and the next two players begin.
  7. The drill repeats with the next defender and attacker.
  8. Have the player's switch lines so they have the opportunity to attack and defend.
Drill Variations
  • None
Soccer Drill Titled: 1v1 Battle - Attacking and Reaction Drill
Published by: Chris Johnson

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