This 1v1 soccer defending drill will isolate the defender to focus on the first defender and defending the dribble. Modify this drill to focus on the first attacker taking on the defender.
When defending 1v1's in soccer, it is essential to focus on the following key elements:
Remember that the player closest to the attacker should be the player pressuring the ball. Players should sprint to close down space as quickly as they can, then when they get 5 yards from the attacker, they should slow down and take steps backward to match the attacker's pace. During this time, the defender should slowly close down the space between the attacker and defender. Often proper pressure will cause the attacker to lose the ball.
One way to have players recall the proper way to defend is by "Quick, Slow, Sideways, Low."
Quick refers to the defender's speed while closing down the attacker with the ball. This should be done at full speed sprint, and note that it is often best to close down the ball when the ball is in flight.
Slow refers to the defenders' ability to change speed and direction required to start moving in the same direction as the attacker.
Sideways refers to the body positioning often used when defending. The defender should turn their body at a 45-degree angle to create the largest amount of defensive area.
Low refers to the body positioning with the knees bent and the center of gravity low to the ground.