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1v1 to Tall Cones

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-14 Field: 20X30
Players: 4+ Focus: 1v1
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 1,887
Published: 2/16/2025 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This drill develops individual attacking and defending skills by challenging players to dribble under pressure, protect the ball, and accurately pass or shoot to knock over cones for points.

A 1v1 attacking and defending drill that improves dribbling, ball control, and decision-making as players try to knock over their opponent’s cones with the ball.
Drill setup
  1. Field Size: 20x30 yards
  2. Goals: 4-6 9” tall cones on each endline as scoring targets
  3. Players: Two teams (yellow & blue) positioned behind their cones
  4. Ball Supply: Supply of balls near the attacker's endline
  5. Roles:
    Yellow Team: Starts as attackers, attempting to knock over the opponent’s cones
    Blue Team: Starts as defenders, preventing the attackers from knocking over cones
Drill Instructions
  1. The yellow team (attackers) always starts with the ball.
  2. One attacker and one defender enter the field for a 1v1.
  3. The attacker dribbles to try to knock over any of the opponent’s cones by passing or shooting the ball into it.
  4. The defender attempts to block, delay, and win the ball to prevent the attacker from scoring.
  5. If the attacker knocks over a cone with the ball, their team earns a point, and the cone remains down.
  6. If the cone is accidentally kicked over by a foot, no point is awarded, and the cone is stood back up.
  7. As the ball goes out of bounds, or a pass or shot misses the cone, the next attacker and defender immediately start a new 1v1 serries.
  8. Once all cones on one endline are knocked over, the attacking team wins the match.
  9. After the match, switch roles, allowing the defending team to attack and vice versa.
Drill Variations
  • Weak Foot Challenge: Require players to score only using their weaker foot.
  • Time Constraint: Players must attempt to score within 10 seconds to increase intensity.
  • Multiple Attackers: Play 2v2 for increased complexity and teamwork.
  • Defensive Point System: Award defenders a point if they prevent a goal for 10 seconds.
Drill Coaching Points

This drill sharpens 1v1 skills, improves attacking creativity, and reinforces defensive positioning, all while keeping players engaged in a fun, competitive environment.

  • Encourage Controlled Dribbling: Attackers should use small touches and quick changes of direction.
  • Use Body Positioning: Defenders should stay low, delay the attacker, and force them wide.
  • Accuracy in Finishing: Players should aim for cones rather than powerfully kicking the ball.
  • Defensive Discipline: Defenders should avoid diving in and instead time their tackles effectively.
  • Decision-Making: Attackers must recognize when to dribble, shield, or attempt to score.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: 1v1 to Tall Cones
Published by: Chris Johnson

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