This 3v1 game will focus on keeping possession in a tight space. Work on passing, decision making, movement on and off the ball as well as improve communication.
This 3v1 game will focus on passing, decision making, movement on and off the ball as well as improve communication.
Drill setup
Create a grid that is approximately 10X10 yards.
Split the team into groups of six.
Place three players inside the grid as attackers in an alternate jersey.
The remaining three players line up as defenders behind one corner cone with the supply of balls.
Create multiple grids to allow for more involvement.
Drill Instructions
The first defender passes a ball into the three attackers.
The defender immediately steps into the grid and becomes the defender creating a 3v1 inside the grid.
The three attackers attempt to put together as many passes as possible.
The attackers continue passing until the defender wins the ball or it is played out of the area.
Once the play is dead, the next defender plays into the same three attackers, and play resumes.
Drill Variations
Adjust grid (larger grid = easier for attackers but harder for defenders; smaller drid = harder for attackers but easier for defenders)
Drill Coaching Points
Focus on the quality of passes such as weight, pace, accuracy.
A well-timed run facing the passing direction will assure a more accurate pass.
The players must communicate with each other to make the game easier.
Players must concentrate on making runs off the ball.