4v4 + Target Players with 2 Goals

Chris Johnson 163,904 Views Rating 4 (85 Reviews)

The 4v4 + Target Players to 2 Goals is a great 4v4 soccer game that teaches players to play into their target player. This game adds a more realistic twist to the typical 4-on-4 soccer game.

Soccer Drill Diagram: 4v4 + Target Players with 2 Goals

4v4, 4 vs 4, 4 on 4, soccer

This is a great 4v4 soccer game that teaches players to play into their target player. This adds a more realistic twist to the normal 4 on 4 soccer game.
Drill Setup

  1. Create a field that is suitable for 4vs.4 soccer game that is approximately 30X40 yards.
  2. With cones, flags, or training sticks, create two windows about 5 yards wide on the right and left side of the end line.
  3. Split the players into two teams of five. Set up a 4vs4 inside the grid.
  4. The additional player will be the target player who will start on the end line outside the cones they are attacking.
  5. The coach needs to have a supply of balls close for this 4v4 soccer game.
Drill Instructions

  1. The coach starts the 4v4 soccer game by playing into one of the teams.
  2. To score the attacking team target player must receive a pass through one of the two windows and maintain possession.
  3. Once a goal is scored, the attacking player who made the initial pass to the target player switches roles and becomes the new target player.
  4. The defending team takes possession of the ball, and the game continues.
  5. The first team to 10 goals wins.
Drill Variations

  • Add a third window in the center of the end line.
  • If you want to focus on target players, you might instruct the players not to rotate and allow one player to work as a target player longer.
Drill Coaching Points

4 vs. 4 Offense Game:

  • Vision - players should get their heads up and look up to read the game with their eyes. Player's heads should be on a constant pivot.
  • Communication - make sure players are communicating both verbally and non-verbally.
  • Support - make sure players are using the entire playing area (width and length) to get into good supporting angles. Create passing options that allow the receiving players the most time and space.
  • Appropriate use of 1st touch
  • Appropriate use of short or long passing
  • Changes in the direction and speed of play
  • Create goal scoring opportunities

4 vs. 4 Defensive Game:

  • Good Defensive Principles - pressure, cover, balance
  • Get as many people behind the ball as possible
  • Good communication

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