5 Pass Possession Game

Chris Johnson 155,040 Views Rating 3.63 (84 Reviews)

This passing drill focuses on holding possession and completing a series of passes. This possession passing drill will work on awareness, speed of play, support, and movement to maintain possession.

Soccer Drill Diagram: 5 Pass Possession Game

Soccer Passing and Possession

This passing drill focuses on holding possession and completing a series of passes.
Drill Setup

  1. Create a grid of approximately 40 yards x 30 yards.
  2. Assign two players as neutral players.
  3. Split the remaining players into two even groups with two.
  4. Position the neutral players at the end line on each end of the field.
Drill Instructions

  1. The two teams attempt to hold possession from each other within the grid.
  2. To score a goal, a team must make five or more consecutive passes to their teammates inside the area then pass to either of the neutral players.
  3. Reset the pass count if the ball is touched or won by the opposition.
  4. Once the neutral player receives a scoring pass, they must pass the ball into the team that scored in one-touch and reset the pass count.
  5. Play to 10 and make the losing team do pushups or situps.
Drill Variations

  • Restrict players touch to 2-touches or 1-touch. If a player exceeds the max number of touches they lose possession.
Drill Coaching Points

  • Awareness- make sure players keep their heads up and know where their teammates are at all times. This will allow the passer to play quicker and pass to the open player.
  • Speed of play- make sure players are playing quickly. The speed of supporting players and the player on the ball will dictate the overall speed of play.
  • Quality Support from Teammates- Players must support the player receiving the pass before the pass is received. The player with the ball needs at least two players giving him direct support and at least one player giving him indirect support by stretching the field and creating space.
  • Movement- Players should continuously make runs to create space and time when receiving passes.
  • Evade defenders- Make a quick change of direction, change of speed runs to escape defenders, and create space to receive a pass.

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