Home > Drills > Center Mid Passing Combination 2

Center Mid Passing Combination 2

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20X20
Players: 6+ Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 3.75 / 5 Views: 239,538
Published: 5/26/2013 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This combination passing drill focuses on center mid play and playing diagonal balls in the direction they are facing.

This is a great combination passing drill that will help focus on center mid play and playing diagonal balls in the direction they are facing.
Drill setup
  1. Set up a grid approximately 20X35 yards. The size of the grid can be adjusted based on the age and skill level of the players.
  2. Place two central mid players inside the grid.
  3. The remaining players will split into two even lines on one end of the grid.
Drill Instructions
  1. Player 1 plays a ball into the first central midfielder (CM1) and starts his run down the sideline.
  2. CM 1 plays a first time ball into Player 2.
  3. Player 2 plays a ball into the 2nd center midfielder (CM2) and starts his run down the sideline towards the cone.
  4. CM 2 lays off a ball to Player 1.
  5. Player 1 plays a diagonal ball into space (near the cone) for the run of Player 2.
  6. Players jog around the outside of the grid back to the starting point.
Drill Variations
  • When players get to the end, using the same group and ball, reverse the same pattern and return to the starting point.
Soccer Drill Titled: Center Mid Passing Combination 2
Published by: Chris Johnson

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