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Circle Passing Combination Drill

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20X20
Players: 8+ Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: EASY Time: 15 mins.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 3.62 / 5 Views: 146,005
Published: 7/16/2012 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

The circle passing combination drill will focus on passing, communication, playing with speed, and playing to feet. This soccer passing drill is an excellent passing warm-up drill that can be a great start to a passing practice.

This circle passing combination drill focuses on passing, communication and playing with speed.
Drill setup
  1. Create a circle around two central players where the outside players are about 5-7 yards from each other.
  2. The two central players should have a soccer ball each.
Drill Instructions
  1. The central players begin the drill at the same time by passing to outside players on the opposite sides of the circle.
  2. The outside player returns the pass back to the central player who maintains his central positioning.
  3. The central player then immediately plays to the player to the left or right of the initial player he passed to.
  4. As this second outside player receives the pass he now switches roles with the central player and looks to continue the same pattern on the opposite side of the grid.
  5. Leave it up to the players to decide whether to play to the left or right side of the outside player based on whether the player is being used by the other central player.
  6. Players must play with their heads up scanning the field and communicating so that two balls do not get played to the same player.
Drill Variations
  • Change it up and do other passing combinations. Be creative.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Good crisp passes with good pace on them - not too soft or too strong.
  • Heads up scanning the field to find the open players
  • Play with speed. Start slow and once they figure it out, ramp it up.
  • Make sure central players maintain the central position until switching with the outside player in order to play facing the ball. If they get in too tight there will not be much time to play the ball.
  • Allow the kids to be creative with their combination play.


Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: Circle Passing Combination Drill
Published by: Chris Johnson

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