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Diamond Passing Combination

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 10X20
Players: 8+ Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 3.94 / 5 Views: 142,821
Published: 9/22/2011 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This soccer passing drill focuses on quick ball movement and combinations. Use this soccer combination drill to clean up first touch and tight passing, or spread it out and work on long passing.

This soccer passing drill focuses on quick ball movement and combinations to clean up first touch and tight passing.
Drill setup
  1. Set up 4 cones in the shape of an elongated diamond.
  2. Assign an all-time passer on each of the two cones where the points of the diamond are closest.
  3. Rotate these passers every 3-5 minutes. In our diagram, the passers are in red.
Drill Instructions
  1. Have the first player in line pass to one of the passers and overlap them.
  2. The passer that receives the first pass plays a first time ball into the other passer who then returns the ball to the player overlapping.
  3. The player then plays into the next player in line and the pattern repeats going the other direction.
Drill Variations
  • Play every pass 1-touch.
  • Expand the distance between cones and play longer balls in the air.
Soccer Drill Titled: Diamond Passing Combination
Published by: Chris Johnson

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