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Finishing In Front of the Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 13+ Field: HALF FIELD
Players: 8+ Focus: FINISHING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 4 / 5 Views: 37,665
Published: 1/21/2021 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This finishing soccer drill focuses on collecting a flighted serve, knocking it to a forward, and finishing on goal.

This finishing soccer drill focuses on collecting a flighted serve, knocking it to a forward, and finishing on goal.
Drill setup
  1. Using half of a soccer pitch, set a portable goal 8 yards out from the penalty area on the right side.
  2. Place an 8X8 yard grid on the other side of the penalty area in line with the portable goal.
  3. A keeper should be in each of the two goals.
  4. Set Server 1 near the center circle.
  5. Set Server 2 in one of the corners near the main goal.
  6. Each server should have a supply of soccer balls.
  7. The remaining players start at the sideline opposite the portable goal.
  8. See the diagram for the field layout.
  9. Adjust the size based on the age and skill level of the players.
Drill Instructions
  1. Server 1 starts by playing a ball into the grid to Player 1. 
  2. Player 1 times their run, collects the ball and plays into Player 2.
  3. Player 2 returns the ball to Player 1 who shoots on the portable side goal.
  4. Immediately after Player 2 returns the ball to Player 1, Player 2 peels off and makes a run to the back post of the primary goal.
  5. Server 2 plays a ball into Player 2 who has a shot on the primary goal.
  6. Player 1 switches roles with Player 2, the shooter joins the line on the sideline.
  7. Play quickly so there is no standing or lines.
Drill Variations
  • Play flighted balls, ground balls, and bouncing balls from each of the servers.
Soccer Drill Titled: Finishing In Front of the Goal
Published by: Chris Johnson

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