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Goalkeeper Footwork Exercise; Scooping Ground Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 10X10
Players: 1+ Focus: GOALKEEPER
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 10 MINS.
Rating: 5 / 5 Views: 14,037
Published: 1/18/2021 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This goalkeeper footwork exercise is a great warm-up or training drill to focus on goalkeeper footwork and scooping ground balls.

This goalkeeper footwork exercise is a great warm-up or training drill to focus on goalkeeper footwork and scooping ground balls.
Drill setup
  1. Using cones create a 5X10 yard grid.
  2. The goalkeeper will begin on one end.
  3. The coach should position himself about 5 yards from the cones on the opposite end.
  4. The coach needs a supply of soccer balls.
Drill Instructions
  1. On the coach's command, the goalkeeper should sprint along the outside of the grid to the top of the grid.
  2. Once at the top of the grid, the keeper gets into the ready position.
  3. The coach plays a ball directly to the goalkeeper on the ground.
  4. The goalkeeper should scoop up the ball and return it to the coach.
  5. The keeper then backpedals to his starting position. 
  6. The keeper then shuffles across the 5-yard end line. 
  7. He then repeats the same movement performed on the first side.
  8. Make sure the goalkeeper has ample time to recover between sets.
Drill Variations
  • Play balls with a slight skip just before reaching the keeper.
  • Play balls right at the goalkeeper's shin/knee area.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Make sure the keeper's hips are facing the coach at all times.
  • When shuffling, do not cross the feet.
  • Quickly get in the ready position with knees slightly bent, on the balls of the feet, hands up, and eyes on the ball.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: Goalkeeper Footwork Exercise; Scooping Ground Balls
Published by: Chris Johnson

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