Home> Drills> Goalkeeper Footwork Exercise with Hurdle
Goalkeeper Footwork Exercise with Hurdle
Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+
Field: 10X10
Players: 1+
Difficulty: MEDIUM
Time: 10 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES
Rating: 0 / 5
Views: 12,947
Published: 1/18/2021
Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective
This goalkeeping drill will focus on footwork as well as handling the ball. This is a great goalkeeper warm-up or agility drill to do during keeper training.
This goalkeeper footwork exercise is a great warm-up or training drill to focus on goalkeeper footwork.
Drill setup
Set 5-6 training hurdles approximately 1 yard apart in a straight line.
The coach should position himself about 5 yards from the last hurdle.
The coach should have a supply of soccer balls near him.
Drill Instructions
On the coach's command, the goalkeeper performs one of the following footwork skills over or around the training hurdles: single-leg steps over the hurdle, single-leg hops over the hurdle, two-leg hops over the hurdle, shuffle in-and-out of the hurdles.
As the goalkeeper completes the last hurdle, they should set their feet, and get into a ready position with their hands up and knees slightly bent.
The coach drop-kicks a ball towards the keeper's hands. The keeper catches the ball and returns it to the coach and returns to the ready position.
The coach then rolls a ball to the keeper's right side. The keeper must dive to the ball, return it to the coach, and get back into the ready position.
The coach then rolls a ball to the keeper's left side. The keeper dives again to the ball, returns it to the coach, and walks back to the beginning of the line.
Drill Variations
In the beginning, limit the left and right dives and just focus on the first ball to the goalkeeper while standing.
Play all balls on the ground, mid-body, or flighted.
The coach can place the ball on the ground and strike a stationary ball to the goalkeeper.
Drill Coaching Points
Focus on the speed and quality of the footwork.
The keeper should limit crossing their feet.
Goalkeepers should focus on staying on the balls of their feet.
The keeper's hips should remain pointing to the ball at all times.