This Goalkeeping Shooting Angle Drill is excellent for improving Goalkeeper positioning and angles when handling shots. This drill focuses on correct footwork, proper angles, and quickly setting the goalkeeper's feet for the shot.
Goalkeeping shooting angle drill for improving goalkeeper positioning and angles when defending a shot on goal.
Drill setup
Place a goalkeeper in a full-size goal.
Position 6-8 servers across the outer edge of the penalty area in front of the goal.
Each server should start with a ball.
Drill Instructions
Alternate the servers one at a time.
Each server will push the ball to the left, right, or straight at the goal, then shoot on goal.
Instruct the goalkeeper to adjust their positioning according to the position of the ball. Their body should remain between the ball and the goal, with their hips facing the ball.
The goalkeeper should then set their feet and get into their ready position and make the save.
The goalkeeper should quickly set for the next shooter and repeat.
Drill Variations
Drill Coaching Points
Good, Quick footwork (do not cross feet when shuffling)
Right angle and positioning on moving ball - instruct them to stay between the ball and the goal
Make sure they set their feet to get ready for the shot
They should react quickly to the shot
Make sure they catch the ball cleanly with good hands