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Hexagonal Rondo

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 10+ Field: 10x15
Players: 10 Focus: Passing
Difficulty: Medium Time: 15 min.
Goalkeeper: No Team
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 8,598
Published: 9/11/2024 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

The Hexagonal Rondo drill focuses on quick passing and movement within a six-sided grid, emphasizing control and spatial awareness. Players work to maintain possession by creating passing angles and exploiting gaps in the defensive shape. The objective is to enhance technical precision, quick decision-making, and fluid team coordination.

The Hexagonal Rondo is a fantastic way to enhance players' understanding of spatial awareness, quick decision-making, and teamwork in a more dynamic passing environment.
Drill setup
  1. Use the cones to create a hexagonal shape (6 sides). Each side should be around 5-7 yards long, depending on the skill level and number of players.
  2. Divide players into two groups of 5 players each. Use pinnies to differentiate the teams.
  3. Place three players from each team around the outside of the hexagon, alternating colors on each side of the hex. These players must stay on the hexagon's sides and are restricted to their side.
  4. Two players from each team will play as a 2v2 inside the hexagon, with the three supporting players outside the hexagon. The players inside the hexagon are free to move about the inside of the hexagon.
Drill Instructions
  1. The coach starts the game by passing a ball to one of the teams.
  2. The objective is for this team to keep possession by using their two teammates in the middle of the hexagon and their teammates positioned around it.
  3. The two defenders on the other team will attempt to win or intercept the ball.
  4. If the defenders win the ball, they quickly play it to their teammates to maintain possession.
  5. After a minute or two of high-intensity possession, rotate the inside players with the outside players.
  6. The drill should be fast-paced, with quick turnovers and transitions between attack and defense.
Drill Variations
  • Limit touches to one-touch passing for more advanced players to speed up the game and improve ball control under pressure.
  • Add more inside players to increase the difficulty for the attackers.
  • Reduce the size of the hexagon to create tighter spaces, requiring quicker decision-making and sharper passes.
  • Introduce a scoring system in which attackers gain a point for every consecutive 5 passes completed without interception, increasing the drill's competitive edge.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Attacking players should constantly move along their side of the hexagon to create better passing angles and to receive the ball.
  • Encourage quick passing and movement from the attackers to force the defenders to work hard and prevent them from winning the ball.
  • Focus on quick passing and encourage players to use the outside foot to make smoother passes along the hexagon.
  • Encourage head-up play to ensure players are always aware of the defenders' positions and the passing options available.
  • Teach players to move into space after passing the ball to open up better angles for receiving.
  • Defenders should work together to press the ball and anticipate passing lanes to intercept.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: Hexagonal Rondo
Published by: Chris Johnson

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