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4v4 Soccer to a Small Gate

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4+ Field: 25X35
Players: 8 Focus: Gamelike
Difficulty: Easy Time: 20 min.
Goalkeeper: No Team
Rating: 4.27 / 5 Views: 254,308
Published: 10/10/2005 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

In Soccer, 4v4 is the smallest version of a full-sided game. While on the attack, to be successful in a four vs. four soccer match, players must penetrate via the pass, dribble, or shot; players must provide support to the player with the ball, and players need to create width to the field. On the defensive side, a player must pressure the ball to delay the attack, another player should cover for the player pressuring the ball, and the remaining two players balance the field of play. This 4v4 practice focuses on all aspects of the match, including attacking, defending, passing, receiving, supporting, penetrating, and spreading the field.

4v4 in soccer is the smallest game focusing on all aspects of a full sided soccer match.
Drill setup
  1. To set up this 4v4 soccer drill, create a grid that is approximately 40 X 25 yards. Create multiple fields if possible to include more players.
  2. Create a gate (about 8 feet wide) on each end line. 
  3. Divide the group into two teams of four players each.
  4. Since the field is longer than it is wide, the playing field's dimensions emphasize passing in the game. There is a premium on playing the ball forward early.
Drill Instructions
  1. Each team defends a small gate.
  2. A goal is scored by stopping the ball inside the gate along the end line.
  3. When a team reaches 5 goals switch out players or teams.
Drill Variations
  • Alternatively, create an end line with cones for the players to attack. A goal is scored by stopping the ball anywhere along the endline.
  • Depending on the age and skill level of the players, you can adjust the field size to maximize the effectiveness of the workout.
Drill Coaching Points


  • Vision - players should be able to look up and read the game with their eyes since their number is limited. Player's heads should be on a constant pivot.
  • Communication - make sure players are communicating both verbally and non-verbally.
  • Support - make sure players are using the entire playing area (width and length) to get into the right supporting angles. Create passing options that allow the receiving players the most time and space.
  • Appropriate use of 1st touch
  • Appropriate use of short or long passing
  • Changes in the direction and speed of play
  • Create goal scoring opportunities


  • Sound Defensive Principles - pressure, cover, balance
  • Get as many people behind the ball as possible
  • Good communication
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: 4v4 Soccer to a Small Gate
Published by: Chris Johnson

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