This soccer drill is specifically designed for younger players (U-6 and U-8). This drill will get the players moving, greeting each other, and a building block to introduce dribbling. Good for Camp activities for the younger players.
This drill is intended for younger players from U-4 to U-8, and gets the players moving, greeting each other, and a building block to dribbling.
Drill setup
Build a grid that is 15X20 using cones.
Each of the players is inside the grid with a soccer ball.
Drill Instructions
All the players run around randomly without balls, inside the grid.
The coach calls out various types of greetings, which each player then has to carry out with others:
Shake hands
Slap high fives (one hand)
Slap high fives (both hands)
Stand shoulder to shoulder
Stand back to back, etc.
Add soccer balls, and perform the same activities as above.
Drill Variations
Add Dribbling
Drill Coaching Points
When dribbling, keep the ball close and don't run into other players.
Have fun with the activities and make it exciting.