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4V4 With 5 Goals Inside The 18

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20x40
Players: 9+ Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 mins.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 4.02 / 5 Views: 231,162
Published: 12/29/2005 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This 4v4 finishing drill is one of my favorite soccer finishing drills as it works on every aspect of finishing inside the 18-yard box. This drill focuses on soccer finishing skills such as chipping, crossing, heading, finishing and composure in the 18.

This 4v4 drill is one of my favorite soccer finishing drills as it works on every aspect of finishing inside the 18-yard box.
Drill setup
  1. Set up 4 small goals with training sticks or Pugg Goals on the 4 corners of the penalty area.
  2. Place a keeper in the big goal.
  3. Split a team into 2 teams of 4.
  4. The coach should be at the top of the penalty area with an abundant supply of soccer balls.
Drill Instructions
  1. The blue team is trying to attack goals 1 and 3 and defend goals 2 and 4.
  2. The red team is trying to attack goals 2 and 4 and defend goals 1 and 3. 
  3. A goal scored in the small goals counts as 1 point. 
  4. Both teams can score in the big goal protected by the keeper, but only with a header or volley. 
  5. Scoring in the big goal counts as 2 points. 
  6. When the keeper makes a save, they should return the ball to the coach who begins play with either a pass to a team or create a 50/50 ball.

This game does an excellent job or working on spacing and runs as well as finishing, communication, and vision. The blue player might start by goal 3, draw a defender to her and then make a far post run to receive a cross from a teammate by goal 1.

Drill Variations
  • You can limit their touches to 1-touch or 2-touches.
  • You may add perimeter players at the top of the box to keep the pace of the game up.
  • Have perimeter players serve first-time for an opportunity on the big goal.
Soccer Drill Titled: 4V4 With 5 Goals Inside The 18
Published by: Chris Johnson

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