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Body Parts Warm-up Game

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-8 Field: 15X15
Players: 4+ Focus: FUN
Difficulty: EASY Time: 10 mins.
Rating: 3.7 / 5 Views: 88,222
Published: 11/18/2006 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This fun soccer dribbling drill focuses on the younger player's dribbling skills, and the ability to listen to directions and think quick on their feet while holding the ball close. This drill is an excellent dribbling warm-up exercise for Under 4, Under 5, and Under 6 soccer players.

This soccer drill focuses on the younger player's dribbling skills and the ability to listen to directions while holding the ball close.
Drill setup
  1. Create a grid about 15X15 yards.
  2. All the players should be inside the grid with a ball of their own.
Drill Instructions
  1. The coach shouts a part of the body. For example, right foot, left foot, knee, head, belly, back, leg, ear, bum, etc.
  2. The players must quickly stop the ball and place that part of their body on the ball. 
Drill Variations
  • Call out combinations such as back, belly, back. Or Knee, head, belly.
  • Make the players stop the ball with the body part you should. For example, right foot, left foot, the bottom of the foot, the outside of the foot, or the inside of the foot.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Encourage players to constantly move and zig-zag while dribbling.
  • Keep Close possession.
  • Head up to avoid collisions.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: Body Parts Warm-up Game
  • U-4
  • U-5
  • U-6
Published by: Chris Johnson

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