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Quick Transition Game

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 10+ Field: HALF FIELD
Players: 10 Focus: Game-like
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 3.96 / 5 Views: 203,824
Published: 10/13/2007 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This soccer drill is an excellent way to focus on attacking and defending and is ideal for teaching the basic principals of soccer. The game can be modified to illustrate many aspects of the game.

This soccer drill is an excellent way to focus on attacking and defending and is ideal for teaching the basic principals of soccer.
Drill setup
  1. Create a 35X45 yard field with two goals at either end.
  2. Split up the team into three teams of 4 players and give each team a color (Blue, Red, & Yellow).
  3. Place a goalkeeper in each goal.
Drill Instructions
  1. Start with the Yellow team attacking the Blue team.
  2. The Red players start with two players at each of the two goals acting as neutral supporting players to both colors playing.
  3. If the Yellow team scores on the Blue team, the Yellow team has to quickly retrieve the ball from the goal and attack the goal on the opposite end-line.
  4. The Blue team steps off to become the supporting players along the outside while the Red team steps on the field to play against the Yellow team.
  5. Continue to rotate off the team getting scored on with the supporting team.
  6. The first team to 5 goals wins.
Drill Variations
  • Make supporting players play in 1 touch.
  • Make the attackers have to play through the supporting players before they can score a goal
Soccer Drill Titled: Quick Transition Game
Published by: Chris Johnson

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