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1v1, 1v2, 2v2 - 4 goal game

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20X35
Players: 8+ Focus: SMALL SIDED
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 3.92 / 5 Views: 118,608
Published: 11/30/2008 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This 1v1, 2v2 to multiple goals soccer drill puts soccer players in 1v1 and 2v2 situations with multiple goals. 1v1 soccer helps players focus on penetration by forcing the player to dribble to beat their opponent and allows players to make the attack unpredictable through creativity. Your kids will love this soccer drill!

This 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 - 4 goal game soccer drill puts soccer players in 1v1 and 2v2 situations with multiple goals.
Drill setup
  1. Split the team into 2 even groups.
  2. Put one team in an alternate jersey (Diagram shows Red & Blue teams).
  3. Create a grid roughly 35X20 yards.
  4. Place 4 small goals (made by flags, cones or Pugg goals) along the long side of the grid.
  5. The balls should all start with one group.
Drill Instructions
  1. Players 1a and 1b pass the soccer ball into two players on the opposing team marked as 2a and 2b in the diagram.
  2. Players 2a and 2b quickly attack the goals opposite them while players 1a and 1b attempt to stop the attacking players, win the ball and attack the goals opposite of their starting position.
  3. As shown in the diagram, players can attack either of the two goals opposite them.
  4. Player 1a should always go against 2a and player 1b should always go against 2b for the 1v1.
  5. Allow players 2a and 2b start with the balls after every 5-7 minutes.
  6. See variations for additional games.
Drill Variations
  • 2v1 (2 attackers vs. 1 defender) – split the balls between each group. Have player 1a pass the ball to players 2a and 2b to begin. Player 1a should step out to defend players 2a and 2b.After this series is over, have player 2a pass the ball to players 1a and 1b.
  • 2v2 – with the balls with players 1a and 1b, player 1b passes the ball into players 2a and 2b. Players 1a and 1b defend players 2a and 2b.
  • 1v2 (1 attacker vs. 2 defenders) - split the balls between each group again. Have player 1a pass the ball into player 2a. Players 1a and 1b step out to defend player 2a.
Soccer Drill Titled: 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 - 4 goal game
  • 1V1
  • 1V2
  • 2V2
Published by: Chris Johnson

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