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Circle Keep-Away Passing Game

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 6-14 Field: 10X10
Players: 6+ Focus: POSSESSION
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 10 mins.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 4.08 / 5 Views: 279,032
Published: 1/24/2011 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This keep-away game is a fun passing exercise for younger players that focuses on the passing game while playing keep away.

This keep-away game is a fun passing exercise for younger players that focuses on the passing game while playing keep away.
Drill setup
  1. With cones, mark off a circle with a 10-yard diameter.
  2. Designate two defenders in the middle of the circle holding a yellow pinny in their hands.
  3. Have the remaining players position themselves just inside the circle with one ball.
Drill Instructions
  1. The two players in the middle will act as defenders while the rest of the circle will play keep away from these defenders.
    Start with the first pass being free.
  2. The attacking players can move about the circle in an attempt to maintain possession and string together passes.
  3. As a defender win the ball, they switch places with the offensive player that lost the ball to the defender. In this case, the defender drops the yellow pinny and join the attackers. The new defender grabs the yellow pinny and holds it in their hand.
  4. If the pass goes outside of the circle, the player that made the bad pass, or the player that did not properly trap the ball will take the place of the defender that has been in the middle the longest.
  5. If the attacking players put together ten passes, the defenders do a quick lap around the circle. The lap of shame, as we call it.
Drill Variations
  • Change the size of the circle to fit your player's age and skill level. Make the grid smaller to make the game harder for the attackers to keep possession, or make the grid larger to make the game a bit easier for the passers.
  • Make the circle smaller for tighter and quicker passing.
  • Limit the number of touches.
Soccer Drill Titled: Circle Keep-Away Passing Game
Published by: Chris Johnson

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