This passing combination drill focuses on a number of quick one-touch combination passes and movement off the ball.
Drill setup
Create a large diamond approximately 12 yards between each side of the diamond.
Place two cones near the middle of the diamond.
Place a player at each of the 6 cones.
Two players at opposite points of the diamond will start with the ball.
The two players in the middle face the player with the ball.
Drill Instructions
The players on either end of the diamond start the drill by playing the ball to the inside player and move to the other side of their cone to receive a pass back from the center player.
After they receive the pass back from the center player they play to the player to their right.
This player then passes to the center player, moves to the other side of the cone, receives the ball, and plays to the player to their right.
This pattern will continue around the grid.
When playing with two balls, make sure each player is aware of the 2nd ball at all times.
The central players work only with the two points of the diamond and do not switch at this point in the drill.
Drill Variations
Have the central players follow their ball around the grid
Limit touches to 1-touch only.
Drill Coaching Points
Good weight on the pass
Good pace of the pass
Good Angle of the pass
Time runs before and after the pass
Good One-two's
Keep the movement fluid and the body under control