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One-Touch Passing Combination with a Dribble; Series 2

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20X20
Players: 6+ Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 3.5 / 5 Views: 19,647
Published: 1/7/2023 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This is the second series to a fast-paced one-touch passing combination warmup drill with a light dribble at the end.

This is the second series to a great one-touch passing combination warm up soccer drill with light dribbling.
Drill setup
  1. With cones or training sticks, create a grid approximately 20x20 yards.
  2. Place two or three training sticks doen the middle of the grid.
  3. Place the starting cone about 5 yards from the top of the grid aligned in the middle of the area.
  4. Start a player at each of the four corners of the grid.
  5. The remaining players should line up behind the start cone; each with a ball.
Drill Instructions
  1. This is the second series of this one-touch passing combination drill.
  2. Player 1 passes to player 3.
  3. Player 3 passes to player 2.
  4. Player 2 passes to player 3 on the other side of the training stick.
  5. Player 3 makes a run around the training stick and receives the pass.
  6. Player 3 receives the pass and dribbles in-and-out of the training sticks set up in the middle of the field.
  7. Player 3 returns to the back of the line.
  8.  Player 1 takes player 2's starting position.
  9. Player 2 takes player 3's starting position.
  10. The combination play coninues on the other side of the grid in the same pattern and movement.
Drill Variations
  • Play in two-touch passes for beginners.
  • Another combination: One-Touch Passing Combination with a Dribble; Series 1
Drill Coaching Points
  • Passes must be precise and to the feet of the receiving player.
  • Good movement off the ball to create space and time the passes.
  • Play in one-touch if possible. Slowing the drill to two-touches will allow players to get familiar with the pattern, and pace of the passes.
  • If a bad pass is given, adjust accordingly and continue the drill.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: One-Touch Passing Combination with a Dribble; Series 2
Published by: Chris Johnson

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