Passing Combination | 1-2 | Wall Pass | One-Two

Chris Johnson 129,308 Views Rating 3.76 (54 Reviews)

This soccer passing and combination drill focuses on passing and receiving ground balls and performing a one-two (1-2) and a wall pass around the defender.

Soccer Drill Diagram: Passing Combination | 1-2 | Wall Pass | One-Two

Soccer Passing Combination and Wall Pass

This soccer passing and combination drill will focus on passing and receiving ground balls and playing a one-two wall pass around the defender.
Drill Setup

  1. Stagger the cones in the shape of a parallelogram about 10 yards deep and 20 yards long.
  2. Have a player at each of the two inside cones that will not be a passer.
  3. The red players are the stationary passers.
  4. See the soccer drill diagram for the layout.
Drill Instructions

  1. The first player in line plays a one-two (1-2) combination pass with the player at the cone nearest his side.
  2. He then plays a one-two (1-2) combination with the player farthest from him around the 2nd middle player.
  3. He then returns the ball back to this player who follows the same format in the opposite direction.
  4. The yellow players are the only players the rotate positions with each turn.
  5. Switch out the red players as needed every 5 minutes or as desired.
  6. The soccer drill diagram displays the pattern.  
Drill Variations

  • Play every pass 1-touch.
  • Expand the distance between cones and play longer balls in the air.
Drill Coaching Points

  • Focus on clean, crisp passing.
  • Movement off the ball must be timed with the pass.
  • The drill should flow with a continuous passing pattern.
  • Focus on speeding up the combination play.

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