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Small-Sided Shooting and Finishing Game

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 40X40
Players: 12+ Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 3.75 / 5 Views: 164,142
Published: 5/3/2009 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This small-sided shooting and finishing game is a great shooting drill that focuses on shooting and finishing.

This small-sided shooting and finishing game is a great shooting drill that focuses on shooting and finishing.
Drill setup
  1. Create a small area, approximately the size of the penalty area (18X40 yards), and mark the field's center point with cones.
  2. Taper each of the sidelines towards the goals on each end of the penalty area. This shape will help avoid bad shooting angles.
  3. Organize players in a 4v2 (four defenders and two attackers) in each half of the field.
  4. Restrict players to stay on the side of the grid they were initially placed.
  5. Place spare soccer balls near each of the goals for quick retrieval and quick restarts.
Drill Instructions
  1. The defenders must shoot from their half of the field.
  2. The forwards should follow any shots from the defenders and finish any rebounds.
  3. If the goalkeeper recovers the shot, they quickly distribute the ball to their defensive players, and the play continues.
  4. If the shot flys over the goal, a new ball is retrieved from behind the goal, and play should resume quickly.
  5. Players are encouraged to take half chances and limit the number of touches before shooting.
  6. Forwards should follow any shot for rebounds.
Drill Variations
  • Place a restriction on the number of touches. Allow defenders to have 3-touch and forward's only 1-touch. This will encourage quick shots and more opportunities.
Soccer Drill Titled: Small-Sided Shooting and Finishing Game
  • GAME
Published by: Chris Johnson

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