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Team Reaction Dribbling Drill

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-12 Field: 30X30
Players: 4+ Focus: DRIBBLING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 10 mins.
Rating: 3.87 / 5 Views: 210,880
Published: 2/26/2010 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

The team reaction dribbling drill is a fun soccer dribbling drill that focuses on dribbling and reacting to teammates.

The team reaction dribbling drill is a fun soccer dribbling drill that focuses on dribbling and reacting to teammates.
Drill setup
  1. Create a small grid approximately 20X20 yards.
  2. From each of the four corners, place a training stick or flag about 7-10 yards from the corner cone.
  3. Players start inside the grid with a ball each.
Drill Instructions
  1. Instruct the players to free-dribble inside the grid using the entire space.
  2. When the coach calls out a player’s name, that player picks one of the four flags to dribble around and quickly dribbles around that flag.
  3. The entire team must also dribble with speed around the same flag as quickly as possible.
  4. The last player back into the grid must do push-ups or sit-ups.
Drill Variations
  • Assign the player’s numbers and call out the player’s number rather than their name.
  • Call out a player’s name or their number, and the leader should pick a flag to run around. The rest of the group should run around the diagonally opposite flag.
Soccer Drill Titled: Team Reaction Dribbling Drill
Published by: Chris Johnson

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