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Team Tactics Dribbling in the Attacking Third

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: HALF FIELD
Players: 14 Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 4.04 / 5 Views: 82,340
Published: 2/14/2011 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This soccer attacking drill is a great team tactic dribbling drill that focuses on when and where to dribble in the attacking third.

This soccer attacking drill is a great team tactic dribbling drill that focuses on when and where to dribble in the attacking third.
Drill setup
  1. This drill requires the attacking third of the field with a full-size goal.
  2. Split the team into six attackers, six defenders, a goalkeeper, and a server.
  3. The server will start around midfield with a supply of balls.
  4. Assign each defender an attacker. These defenders are restricted to defending this attacker only and should play tight man-to-man defense.
Drill Instructions
  1. Attackers move to get free from their defender to receive a pass from the server.
  2. As the attacker receives the ball, they must immediately face his defender before dribbling.
  3. The attacker's decision at this point is to:
    (1) take a shot if an opportunity exists;
    (2) make a pass to a player in a more advantageous spot;
    (3) dribble to beat the defender.
  4. If the defensive team wins the ball, the play is dead, and the server quickly starts with a new ball.
Drill Variations
  • Remove restrictions on the defenders.
Drill Coaching Points
  • The tight defense will create a risk in going forward, but a risk that must be taken to score.
  • Players work together to create space.


  • Dribble - Players must dribble in the offensive third when a pass or shot is not available. Look to beat the defender and get to the space behind the defense.
  • Pass - when a shot is not available in the attacking 3rd, a player must pass. It's critical that supporting players always create space from their defenders and support the player with the ball.
  • Shoot - A player misses all shots that they do not take. Encourage players to beat the defender and get a shot on goal. A half-chance is a better option than no shot.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: Team Tactics Dribbling in the Attacking Third
Published by: Chris Johnson

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