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2v1, Receiving while Facing the Defender

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20X30
Players: 3+ Focus: RECEIVING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 mins.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 4.13 / 5 Views: 79,503
Published: 8/6/2010 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This soccer ball control drill aims to work on trapping and control with the foot, thigh, and chest while facing an opponent.

This soccer ball control drill aims to work on trapping and control with the foot, thigh, and chest while facing an opponent.
Drill setup
  1. Create an area of approximately 20X30 yards.
  2. Divide the team into groups of three players.
  3. Start with one player (player 1) on one side of the grid.
  4. The other two players (player 2 and 3) start on the opposite side of the area.
  5. Player 1 starts with the ball.
Drill Instructions
  1. Player 1 will serve the ball into player 2. Player 1 follows the pass and defends player 2.
  2. Player 2 moves towards the service, has a quality controlling touch away from the pressure from player 1, and attacks the end line player 1 started.
  3. Player 2 can pass to player 3, creating a 2v1.
  4. To score, stop the ball on the end line the two players are attacking.
  5. The server should serve the balls to the chest, thigh, and feet.
Drill Variations
  • Place a 2nd defender about 5-7 yards behind player 2 and 3 to pressure the attackers' backside.
  • This defender should make a recovery run to get goal-side of the ball.
Soccer Drill Titled: 2v1, Receiving while Facing the Defender
Published by: Chris Johnson

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