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Variable Distance Passing Game

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-10 Field: 20X30
Players: 2+ Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: EASY Time: 15 mins.
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 846
Published: 2/16/2025 Author: Chris Johnson
Drill Objective

This drill improves passing accuracy, technique, and decision-making at varying distances. Players learn to adjust power and precision while maintaining consistency under pressure.

A progressive passing drill that develops accuracy, weight of pass, and consistency as players attempt to pass through a narrowing gate at increasing distances.
Drill setup
  1. Field Size: 20x30 yards
  2. Lanes: Marked at 5 yards, 10 yards, and 15 yards from gate using cones
  3. Passing Gates: Small gates using cones or training sticks (adjustable in width) placed in the middle of each lane
  4. Players: Paired into groups of two, each with a ball
  5. Starting Position: Players begin at the 5-yard marker
Drill Instructions
  1. Players start at the 5-yard marker and attempt to pass the ball through the gate to their teammate.
  2. The receiving player then passes the ball back through the gate.
  3. Once a pair completes three successful passes, they move back to the 10-yard marker and repeat.
  4. If players complete three successful passes at 10 yards, they move to 15 yards for the final challenge.
  5. If a player misses two passes in a row, they must move forward one marker and complete three successful passes before advancing again.
  6. The first pair to complete the 5, 10, and 15-yard markers successfully wins the round.
Drill Variations
  • Smaller Gate Challenge: Narrow the gate to increase difficulty.
  • Weaker Foot Challenge: Require all passes to be made with the weaker foot.
  • Timed Competition: Players must complete all distances within a set time.
  • Moving Targets: Instead of standing still, players must move laterally after each pass.
  • One-Touch Progression: Advanced players must use one-touch passing after 5-yard success.
Drill Coaching Points

This drill enhances passing precision, consistency, and ball control while gradually increasing difficulty to simulate real-game passing conditions.

  • Proper Passing Technique: Encourage players to use the inside of the foot for accuracy.
  • Weight of Pass: Teach players to adjust power based on distance.
  • Body Positioning: Players should face their target and follow through their pass.
  • First Touch: Ensure a controlled first touch to set up the next pass.
  • Communication & Timing: Players should call for the ball and time their passes correctly.
Drill Equipment Drill Ages Drill Topic
Soccer Drill Titled: Variable Distance Passing Game
Published by: Chris Johnson

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