SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

1v1 Attacking and Reaction Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: 1v1 Attacking and Reaction Drill
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Scrimmage Vests, Soccer Balls, Pugg Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 30X40
Players: 4+ Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 5 / 5 Views: 18,612
Published: 1/18/2021 Author: Chris Johnson

This 1v1 soccer attacking drill focuses on the attacker making quick faints, a change of direction, and a burst of speed while causing the defender to react quickly to the attacker's movements.

Drill setup
  1. Create a grid approximately 40 yards wide and 30 yards long.
  2. Place a small goal or Pugg Goal on each end line.
  3. Place four cones in each corner of the field approximately 5 yards from the sideline.
  4. Split the team into two groups.
  5. One group on one sideline will be the defenders.
  6. The other group on the other sideline will be the attackers and should start with a supply of soccer balls.
Drill Coaching Points
  • The attacker should use feints, change of direction, and speed to confuse the defender.
  • The defender should react quickly and close the attacker down.
Drill Instructions
  1. The first attacker in the line passes to the first defender across the field.
  2. These two players should move towards the center of the grid about 5 yards apart and continue to pass back and forth.
  3. On the attackers' queue, he can take off and attack either of the two small goals.
  4. The defender, not knowing which way he will go should react quickly to the attacker's movements.
  5. The attacker can fake and feint and go the other direction at any time.
  6. Once a goal is scored or the ball goes out of bounds, the two players must run around the cone closest to the goal they are attacking on their side of the field and sprint to the cone near the opposite goal.
  7. The drill repeats with the next attacker and defender.
  8. Have players switch lines so they have the opportunity to attack and defend.
Drill Variations
  • Instead of playing the pass in the beginning, have the defenders play a ball into the attackers and let the attackers attacking the goal immediately. With this variation, the defender must close the attacker down quickly.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Passing, Fitness, Defending, Attacking