SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

1v1 1st Attacker Dribbling Without Opposition

Soccer Drill Diagram: 1v1 1st Attacker Dribbling Without Opposition
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4+ Field: 30X30
Players: 4+ Focus: 1v1
Difficulty: EASY Time: 15 mins.
Rating: 3.68 / 5 Views: 66,659
Published: 3/8/2009 Author: Chris Johnson

This 1v1 dribbling exercise allows coaches to focus on the 1st attacker's ability to beat the defender on the dribble. In this soccer drill, the coach should focus on the attacker's approach, make sure the attacker has a change in direction, and finish with a burst of speed (change of pace). This drill helps beginners get a feel for moving around defenders.

Drill setup
  1. Split the team into groups of two.
  2. Each group will face each other about 7-10 yards apart.
  3. One person from each group starts with a ball.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Good controlling touch
  • Quality approach with the right amount of speed and control
  • Make sure the attacker dribbles directly at the defender.
  • Have the player "fake" by stepping over the ball, having a hard step, stutter-step, dragging a foot or toe, dipping their shoulders, faking a kick, or using their eyes to look in a direction opposite of where they are going.
  • Good change of direction once a fake is made to move away from the defender.
  • Good change-of-pace to leave the defender once they have them off-balanced from the fake and change of direction.
Drill Instructions
  1. Have the defenders start the exercise by playing a ball to the attacker's feet.
  2. The defender then takes a step towards the approaching attacker, but not to defend.
  3. The attacker should control the ball, move towards the defender, make a "fake," change the ball's direction and change their pace to quickly leave the defender.
  4. It is essential to make sure the defender is passive and not attempts to steal the ball at this development stage.
  5. The two players move 5-7 yards apart and reverse the roles, so each player plays offense and defense.
Drill Variations
  • Let the defender apply a little pressure on the attacker by stepping in front of the attacker as they change direction.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Attacking, Warm-up