SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Combination Shooting with Dummy Run

Soccer Drill Diagram: Combination Shooting with Dummy Run
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Training Sticks, Full-Size Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: HALF FIELD
Players: 12+ Focus: SHOOTING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 mins.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 3.7 / 5 Views: 177,219
Published: 3/5/2012 Author: Chris Johnson

This combination shooting drill focuses on shooting and finishing within the 18. It starts with a dummy run stepping over the ball, then a combination play ending with a shot on goal.

Drill setup
  1. Split the team into 4 even groups.
  2. Two of the groups form lines on the end line about 5 yards of the goal post on both side of the goal.
  3. The other two groups form lines about 30 yards out equal to the lines on the end line.
  4. Set 2 sticks around the 18 yard box the same size as the goal equal to the goal.
  5. The balls will start at the top line.
Drill Coaching Points
  • This drill is all about finishing, finishing and finishing. Make sure the kids are putting the ball in the back of the net.
  • Checking players should pay attention and focus on their runs.
  • Passes and shot should be 1 touch.
  • Focus on good shooting technique and putting the ball on target.
Drill Instructions
  1. Two players from the line on the end line check in to the player with the ball.
  2. The two checking players should be about 5-7 yards apart from each other when checking.
  3. The player plays the ball in towards the front checking player who dummies the run by stepping over the ball and letting it run between their legs.
  4. The front player then sprints around the stick looking for a ball from the back checking player to shoot.
  5. The back checking player plays a 1st time ball into the middle of the sticks.
  6. The front checking player has a shot on goal.
  7. The shooting player rotates to the top line the back player goes back to the line and becomes the front player, the player from the top goes to the back of the line on the end line.
  8. Perform the same movement with the players on the other side of the goal rotating each shot between the two sides.
Drill Variations
  • none
Drill Focus

Passing, Crossing, Attacking, Shooting, Goalkeeping, Warm-up