Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls, Training Sticks, Full-Size Goal
Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+
Field: 30X40
Players: 1+
Focus: SPEED
Difficulty: MEDIUM
Time: 10 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO
Rating: 4.67 / 5
Views: 33,323
Published: 1/19/2021
Author: Chris Johnson
The Cristiano Ronaldo Speed Test is an individual assessment of ones ability to dribble the ball at pace while maintaining control.
Drill setup
Create a 4x4 yard grid 6 yards from the goal line. This grid will be your starting point.
Create a gate about 6 yards from the goal box directly in line with your starting grid.
Create a 4-yard gate on each of the top corners of the goal box approximately 3 yards from the corner.
The player will start in the starting grid without a ball.
The ball will be placed in the gate directly above the goalbox.
The coach needs a stopwatch to record the time it takes for players to complete this activity.
Drill Coaching Points
Dribbling with speed.
Quick tight turns around the cones when doing the figure-8's.
Ball close when dribbling tight corners, push out a bit when dribbling across the face of the penalty area.
Precise shot on goal aiming for the corners of the goal.
Drill Instructions
One player will start at the starting point without a ball.
This player will sprint to the grid containing the ball and dribbles through the gate.
He then dribbles to the gate on one of the corners of the grid, does a figure-8 through the gate, and sprints to the gate on the opposite corner of the goal box.
The dribbler performs a figure-8 through this gate and moves back through the gate at the top of the goal box.
The dribbler then dribbles the ball back into the starting grid where he has a shot on goal within the 4x4 starting grid.
The stopwatch stops when the ball hits the back of the net.