SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Diagonal Soccer Shooting Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: Diagonal Soccer Shooting Drill
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls, Full-Size Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 30X30
Players: 5+ Focus: SHOOTING
Difficulty: EASY Time: 10 mins.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 3.91 / 5 Views: 321,731
Published: 5/18/2011 Author: Chris Johnson

This simple soccer shooting drill is great for warm-up to a shooting practice or warm-up before a game.

Drill setup
  1. Create a 10X10 grid just beyond on the edge of the penalty area.
  2. Divide the team into two lines on the far cones.
  3. One player from each line steps up to the cone near the edge penalty area. This player becomes the player that lays the ball off to the shooter at the cone.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Good controlled approach on the ball
  • Plant foot in a good spot next to the ball
  • Shoot with the appropriate foot
  • Hit the ball on target
Drill Instructions
  1. Player 1 starts by passing a diagonal ball to player 4.
    Player 4 lays the ball off into space for player 1 to run onto and strike a one-touch shot on goal.
  2. The shooting player (player 1) takes the place of player 4.
  3. Player 4 collects the ball from the goal or shags any missed shots and gets back into line with a ball.
  4. Next, Player 2 passes a diagonal ball to player 3.
  5. Player 3 lays the ball off to player 2, who has a one-touch shot on goal.
  6. Player 2 becomes the target player.
  7. Player (player 3) collects the ball from the goal or shags any missed shots and gets back into line with a ball.
  8. Make sure the players switch lines, so they shoot with both feet.
Drill Variations
  • Have the target player flick a ball into the air for the shooting player to volley or half-volley.
  • For less-skilled players, have them pick up the balls and toss them in the air for the shooting player to volley or half-volley.
Drill Focus

Attacking, Shooting, FUN