SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Dribbling Through Gates Competition

Soccer Drill Diagram: Dribbling Through Gates Competition
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls, Training Sticks

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-10 Field: 25x20
Players: 10+ Focus: Dribbling
Difficulty: Easy Time: 10 min.
Goalkeeper: No Team
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 2,460
Published: 8/23/2024 Author: Chris Johnson

Develop players' dribbling skills by challenging them to navigate through multiple gates within a 1-minute timeframe. This drill emphasizes quick decision-making and ball control under pressure. The goal is to enhance agility and precision while maintaining speed during dribbling.

Drill setup
  1. In a 25X20-yard area, using training sticks or cones, randomly set up 2-yard gates around.
  2. All of the players start in the area with a ball.
Drill Coaching Points
  • The race will encourage players to dribble at a faster pace. 
  • Encourage the players to get their heads up to find the next gate quickly.
  • The ball is close and in control
  • Encourage players to maneuver the ball with all parts of their foot.
Drill Instructions
  1. At the coach's command, the players race around the area, collecting a point every time they dribble through a gate.
  2. The player must yell their score as they dribble through the gate.
  3. The player must dribble through all of the gates before they can return to the gate.
  4. At the end of one minute, the coach will ask the players for a count and declare the winner.
Drill Variations
  • Increase the time frame of each competition
  • Increase or decrease the area between the gates
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Warm-up