SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Dribbling with Pressure on the Back

Soccer Drill Diagram: Dribbling with Pressure on the Back
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-12 Field: 20X15
Players: 2+ Focus: DRIBBLING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 mins.
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 1,504
Published: 2/16/2025 Author: Chris Johnson

This drill improves a player's ability to protect the ball while dribbling under pressure. It teaches awareness, quick reactions, and body positioning to maintain possession against a defender.

Drill setup
  1. Field Size: 20x15 yards
  2. Players: Split into pairs, each with a ball
  3. Roles:
    Dribbler: Starts in front with legs spread wide, ready to receive the ball
    Defender: Stands directly behind the dribbler, preparing to pass the ball through their legs
Drill Coaching Points

This drill enhances ball control, shielding, and reaction time while simulating real-game pressure from defenders.

  • Use Body Positioning: Dribblers should keep their body between the ball and the defender.
  • Keep the Ball Close: Encourage tight control to minimize the chance of losing possession.
  • React Quickly: Dribblers must scan the field and react as soon as they see the ball.
  • Defender’s Role: Encourage defenders to apply realistic pressure without fouling.
  • Decision-Making: Dribblers should recognize when to turn, shield, or accelerate into space.
Drill Instructions
  1. On the coach’s command, the defender passes the ball through the dribbler’s legs.
  2. The dribbler, without looking back, must quickly locate the ball and begin dribbling to the opposite side of the grid.
  3. The defender applies pressure, attempting to win the ball while the dribbler shields and protects possession.
  4. If the dribbler successfully reaches the other side, the roles reverse, and play continues in the opposite direction.
  5. Repeat for a set time or number of rounds to ensure all players get equal opportunities.
Drill Variations
  • Directional Passing: Allow defenders to pass the ball slightly left or right to challenge dribbler reactions.
  • Time Limit: Require dribblers to reach the opposite side within 5-7 seconds.
  • Weak Foot Challenge: Dribblers must use only their weaker foot to control and dribble.
  • Add a Defender Rule: If a dribbler loses possession, they immediately become a defender in the next round.
  • Limited Touches: Restrict dribblers to a certain number of touches before reaching the other side.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Defending, Attacking, Warm-up