The Figure Eight soccer dribbling drill is a good change to weaving in and out of cones and is great for dribbling with the inside and outside of the foot.
Drill setup
Create two 5X5 yard grids about 5 yards apart.
Place two training sticks in the middle of the grids approximately 3 yards apart.
Set a cone on each end turning the grids into a pentagon.
One player starts between the training sticks with a ball.
Players should play at full speed for one minute then rotate with a partner.
Setup multiple obstacle courses depending on the number of players.
Drill Coaching Points
Dribble with speed.
Controlled touches with the outside and inside of the foot.
Keep the ball close.
Quick touches to cut the ball around the area.
Make sure players heads are up.
Drill Instructions
The player will dribble in a figure eight pattern around the cones and through the center training sticks without any dribbling restrictions.
Next, as the player dribbles to their left, they should dribble with the outside of the left foot and as they travel to the right, they should dribble with the outside of their right foot.
Now, as the player dribbles to their left, have them dribble with the inside of the right foot, and as they travel to the right, have them dribble with the inside of their left foot.
Each series should last 1 minute before switching.