SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Follow the Leader Dribbling

Soccer Drill Diagram: Follow the Leader Dribbling
Drill Equipment

Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-8 Field: 20x20
Players: 2+ Focus: Dribbling
Difficulty: Easy Time: 10 min.
Goalkeeper: No Team
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 5,518
Published: 12/31/2023 Author: Chris Johnson

In this drill, players follow a leader who dribbles the ball around the field, performing various movements and turns. The followers must mimic the leader's actions, encouraging them to pay close attention and react quickly. Use this drill to help enhance dribbling skills and agility and to develop the ability to imitate and react to different movements and techniques.

Drill setup
  1. Select one player as the leader.
  2. The other players line up behind and follow the leader, each with a soccer ball.
  3. Define a large enough area on the field for the drill.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Stress the importance of keeping the ball close for better control.
  • Encourage followers to keep their heads up to observe the leader’s movements.
  • Teach players to use different parts of their feet and to be agile with quick changes in direction.
  • Highlight the importance of spatial awareness and reaction time.
Drill Instructions
  1. The leader starts dribbling, and the followers start to dribble their balls, mimicking the leader’s movements.
  2. The leader should change speed, direction, and dribbling techniques frequently.
  3. Encourage the leader to be creative with their movements, using different parts of the feet and incorporating turns.
  4. After a few minutes, rotate the leader so each player can lead.
Drill Variations
  • Skill-Specific Moves: Have the leader perform specific dribbling techniques (e.g., inside foot, outside foot, sole rolls) for followers to replicate.
  • Obstacle Integration: Integrate cones or other obstacles for the leader to dribble around, increasing complexity.
  • Speed Variation: Vary the speed of the drill, from slow dribbling to fast-paced moves.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Warm-up