SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Goalkeeper - Arc Drill 2

Soccer Drill Diagram: Goalkeeper - Arc Drill 2
Drill Equipment

Soccer Balls, Full-Size Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: PENALTY AREA
Players: 4+ Focus: GOALKEEPER
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 10 mins.
Rating: 3.95 / 5 Views: 99,841
Published: 6/1/2009 Author: Chris Johnson

This soccer goalkeeping drill is a great keeper drill designed to focus on the goalkeeper's movement along the goalkeeper's arc to keep the proper angle in the goal.

Drill setup
  1. Place the keeper in a full-size soccer goal.
  2. Have 2-3 players start on one corner of the penalty area with a large supply of balls. These players will be the servers playing the ball into the goalkeeper.
Drill Coaching Points
  • The goalkeeper should shuffle feet quickly without crossing their feet
  • The goalkeeper should keep good positioning on the arc between the ball and the goal
  • The goalkeeper should keep a good distance of 2-6 yards from the goal line and never on the goal line.
  • The keeper should move quickly
Drill Instructions
  1. Instruct the servers to dribble across the top of the penalty area.
  2. As the server dribbles across the penalty area, the goalkeeper must move along the imaginary goalkeeper's arc 2-6 yards from the goal line while keeping their body positioned between the goal and the ball.
  3. The dribbler can shoot at any point at their discretion.
  4. The keeper should make the save and quickly move in place along the arc for the next shooter.
Drill Variations
  • N/A
Drill Focus
