SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Hospital Tag Soccer Game

Soccer Drill Diagram: Hospital Tag Soccer Game
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-8 Field: 20x20
Players: 10 Focus: Dribbling
Difficulty: Easy Time: 10 min.
Goalkeeper: No Team
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 5,129
Published: 9/2/2024 Author: Chris Johnson

Hospital Tag combines fun with skill development, reinforcing dribbling techniques in a lively, competitive setting. This drill keeps young players engaged while challenging them to maintain control of the ball under pressure. The focus is on improving dribbling accuracy and agility in a dynamic environment.

Drill setup
  1. Use cones to create a small rectangular or square area appropriate for the number of players (e.g., 20x20 yards for about ten players)
  2. Each player starts inside the grid with a soccer ball.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Holding their arms will focus on balance without using their arms.
  • Encourage players to keep their heads up while dribbling to see where the taggers are.
  • Remind players to use both feet while dribbling to improve control.
  • Focus on dribbling with close control and quick changes of direction to avoid being tagged.
Drill Instructions
  1. In the grid, players dribble around and play a modified version of tag while avoiding getting "injured" while dribbling.
  2. If they get tagged, they need to place one hand on the spot where they were tagged (this is their "injury").
  3. If they are tagged again, they place their other hand on the new "injury" spot.
  4. If they get tagged a third time, they are too "injured" to continue and must see the "doctor," the coach. They can get back in after doing toe-taps or foundation touches. After the player has performed their skill, the coach says, “You're healed!” 
  5. The healed player rejoins the game of tag.
Drill Variations
  • N/A
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Warm-up, FUN