SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

3v2 Flying Changes

Soccer Drill Diagram: 3v2 Flying Changes
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Scrimmage Vests, Soccer Balls, Full-Size Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 10+ Field: 35X40
Players: 12+ Focus: Game-like
Difficulty: Hard Time: 20 mins.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 4.01 / 5 Views: 188,005
Published: 10/20/2005 Author: Chris Johnson

This drill is designed to focus on all aspects of the game in a 3v2 situation. Mainly runs of attackers, angle of support, passing vs. shooting decisions, defensive shape, and recovery runs, along with working on mental attentiveness.

Drill setup
  1. Set up two goals facing each other about 35-40 yards apart.
  2. Place a goalkeeper in each goal. 
  3. Split the team into two teams with even players (blue and red).
  4. Place a cone on the left and right side of the field marking the center of the field. 
  5. The red team starts from the cone on one sideline, and the blue team starts at the cone on the other sideline.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Changes in the direction and speed of play 
  • Appropriate use of 1st touch 
  • Proper use of short or long passing 
  • Quick transition
  • Good passing/shooting decisions
  • Proper offensive and defensive shape
  • Paying attention/following the game
Drill Instructions
  1. Three blue players step out with a ball and become attackers. 
  2. Two red players step out and defend. 
  3. If the attacking team (blue) score, they are distributed a new ball and attack the other goal. The defenders (red) step off, get back in their line, and two new defenders (red) would step on to defend the other goal.
  4. If the attackers (blue) do not score, they step off, and the two (red) defenders become attackers, and an additional (red) player joins the attack. Two new (blue) defenders step out to defend the goal red is attacking. 
  5. The is a very fast paced and dynamic game. Make sure the keepers in each goal have an adequate supply of balls. There shouldn’t be any pauses between changes to incorporate quick transition and to focus on paying attention. 
Drill Variations
  • Change the number of players 2v1 or 1v1
  • Restriction added - must beat defender before shoot 
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Passing, Receiving, Heading, Crossing, Possession, Defending, Attacking, Shooting, Goalkeeping