SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Sharks and Minnows Soccer Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: Sharks and Minnows Soccer Drill
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Scrimmage Vests, Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-8 Field: 20X25
Players: 5+ Focus: DRIBBLING
Difficulty: EASY Time: 10 mins.
Rating: 4.19 / 5 Views: 583,327
Published: 1/10/2006 Author: Chris Johnson

This soccer drill is designed for U6 and U8 players, emphasizing their ability to dribble effectively under pressure. It also teaches young players how to shield the ball by positioning their body between the ball and the defender, building essential dribbling and ball-protection skills.

Drill setup
  1. Build a grid approximately 20X25 yards. This field should be adjusted based on the skill level and number of players participating.
  2. Two players are designated the SHARK start in the middle of the grid without a ball.
  3. The remaining player starts with a ball on one of the end lines.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Keep the dribblers under control and not paniced once the sharks get near them.
  • Inform players to keep the ball close within playing distance.
Drill Instructions
  1. The minnows, the players with the ball, attempt to swim from one end line to the other while keeping their ball away from the sharks.
  2. The sharks attempt to gain possession and knock the minnows ball out of the grid. Once this happens, the minnow becomes a shark.
  3. The last minnow standing wins the competition.
Drill Variations
  • Players only use left foot to dribble.
  • Players use outside of feet to dribble.
  • Players use sole of feet to dribble.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, FUN