SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Goalkeeper Pressure Cooker Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: Goalkeeper Pressure Cooker Drill
Drill Equipment

Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 20X20
Players: 8+ Focus: GOALKEEPER
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 mins.
Rating: 3.73 / 5 Views: 76,864
Published: 9/30/2006 Author: Chris Johnson

This soccer drill is a great goal keeper warm-up drill. It will give your keeper a great workout while working on passing and shooting with accuracy.

Drill setup
  1. Set up 6-10 players in a circle around the center circle.
  2. Have the keeper stay inside the circle and give one of the attackers around the circle a ball.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Focus your attention on the keeper and their work ethic.
  • Their feet must be constantly moving them in position to stop every possible shot.
  • The keeper must react quickly to EVERY ball that is playable by the keeper.
Drill Instructions
  1. Players around the circle must keep the ball moving with one-touch passes.
  2. At any time a player can shoot at the goalkeeper.
  3. The goalkeeper must continually anticipate a shot and react quickly.
  4. After fielding a shot, the goalkeeper returns the ball to one of the players around the center circle.
Drill Variations
  • While warming up the keeper, instruct the players to pass balls in rather than taking shots.
Drill Focus

Passing, Shooting, Goalkeeping, Warm-up