SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

1 on 1 (1v1) Soccer Progression

Soccer Drill Diagram: 1 on 1 (1v1) Soccer Progression
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls, Pugg Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-16 Field: 15X25
Players: 2+ Focus: 1v1
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 mins.
Rating: 3.38 / 5 Views: 89,774
Published: 4/20/2007 Author: Chris Johnson

This one-on-one (1v1)progression will focus on required dribbling skills, body feints, and the required burst of speed to beat a defender.

Drill setup
  1. Create a 15X25 yard grid.
  2. The end-lines will serve as goals to begin.
  3. Have the attacker start at their end-line with the defender directly in front of the ball and attacker.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Use body feints to off-balance the defender.
  • A quick burst of speed to quickly beat the defender.
  • Attempt to exploit the space behind the defender.
Drill Instructions
  1. Instruct the defender to not move until after the attacker has touched the ball.
  2. The attacker should use body feints to off-balance the defender, then push the ball past the standing defender with a burst of speed.
  3. The defender should attempt not to let the attacker reach the other end-line.
  4. Award a point each time the attacker reaches the end-line.
  5. After each attempt to beat the defender the attacker and defender should change roles, so each player gets a chance to even the score.
Drill Variations
  • In the same 15X25 grid, remove the defender's restrictions and continue to play 1v1 to the end-line.
  • Add a small Pugg goal at each end-line and have the players play to the small target. If you don't have a Pugg goal, create a goal with cones, flags or training sticks.


Drill Focus

Dribbling, Attacking, Warm-up