SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Defensive Overlapping Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: Defensive Overlapping Drill
Drill Equipment

Soccer Balls, Full-Size Goal

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: HALF FIELD
Players: 6+ Focus: ATTACKING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 20 MINS.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 4.1 / 5 Views: 191,689
Published: 10/26/2008 Author: Chris Johnson

The Defensive Overlapping Drill is a great drill to teach fullbacks to overlap midfielders and getting the defenders into the attack. This is a great starting point to teaching defensive overlaps.

Drill setup
  1. Use half of the field with a full-size goal.
  2. Place a keeper in the goal. 
  3. You will need two attackers, a central and outside midfielder, and a defensive player.
  4. Set the players up as shown in the diagram. Adjust the spacing to make the drill flow according to the field size and player skill set.
  5. The defensive back should start with the ball.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Quickly get into attacking half of field.
  • Good timing of runs.
  • Precise passes and 1 and 2 touch passing.
Drill Instructions
  1. The ball will start with the right fullback player (1) who passes to the ball to the right midfielder player (2).
  2. The right fullback (1) makes an overlapping run around the outside midfielder player.
  3. The right outside midfielder player (2) passes to the checking forward player (4).
  4. The forward player (4) drops the ball off to the center midfield player (3) who plays a ball towards the right corner flag onto the run of the right defensive player (1).
  5. The right defensive player should prep the ball and cross the ball into the two forwards (4) & (5) who have advanced towards the face of the goal.
  6. Continue on both sides of the field.
Drill Variations
  • Add players to run the same pattern on the left side of the field.
  • Add passive defensive players to simulate pressure on the attackers.
Drill Focus

Passing, Crossing