SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Indoor Shooting Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: Indoor Shooting Drill
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4+ Field: INDOOR
Players: 6+ Focus: SHOOTING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 10 mins.
Goalkeeper: YES Team
Rating: 3.8 / 5 Views: 151,763
Published: 11/25/2010 Author: Chris Johnson

This is a great indoor soccer shooting drill to use while practicing indoors. This indoor soccer shooting drill also touches on dribbling, passing, using the walls, and finally shooting on goal.

Drill setup
  1. Split the team into two even groups on opposite corners of the indoor soccer field.
  2. Everyone should have a ball.
  3. Place two goalkeepers in each of the goals.
  4. Set up four cones about 4-5 feet from the ball and about 5 yards apart along one side of the field, stretching about ¾ of the length of the field. These cones will be used for wall passes.
  5. On the opposite side of the field, set up 6-8 cones for the players to dribble through. These cones will be used to dribble through.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Focus on good control while dribbling through the cones.
  • Good pace on the ball off the wall on the wall-pass.
  • Quick touch and shot on target.


Drill Instructions

Wall Passes

  1. The players on the side set up for wall passes will dribble towards the first cone, knock the ball off the wall around the cone, collect the ball on the run and proceed to the next cone.
  2. This player continues until the last cone on their side is wall-passed around.
  3. Once the final cone is reached, the player should have one-touch towards the goal and then shoot on target.
  4. Switch lines after the shot.

Dribble Through Cones

  1. The players on the side set up for dribbling through the cones should start at the same time the player on the wall passing line starts. This player dribbles in and out of the cones until they reach the end of the cones.
  2. At this point, the player passes to the coach, who plays the ball back to the player for a shot on goal.
  3. After the shot, they should switch lines, and the pattern should continue.
Drill Variations
  • If you only have half of the indoor soccer field, modify the drill to wall-pass on sides, and dribble through the cones across the middle of the field and finish with a shot.
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Passing, Crossing, Fitness, Shooting, Warm-up, Indoor