SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Passing Warm-up Drill

Soccer Drill Diagram: Passing Warm-up Drill
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 7+ Field: 20X30
Players: 4+ Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 15 MINS.
Rating: 4.29 / 5 Views: 91,222
Published: 2/1/2021 Author: Chris Johnson

This is a passing warm-up drill that is a great start to every practice and before a game. Players will get a lot of touches on the ball and can focus on receiving and passing while getting in a good warm-up.

Drill setup
  1. Split the team into groups of two players with one ball per group.
  2. Set cones up creating a 5-yard passing lane about 10 yards apart. 
  3. Set a different color cone about 5-yards from the passing lane creating a triangle.
  4. Players position themselves between the passing lane across from their partner.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Quality first touches, keeping the ball in front of the players.
  • Communication between the two players. 
  • Good pace on the pass
  • Good accuracy of the pass
Drill Instructions

In this warmup drill, run through a few of these variations for 3-4 minutes each.

  1. Players start with two-touch passes to one another. Players should be on the balls of their feet and moving.
  2. Players play in two-touches, but this time, immediately after making a pass, the passer alternates moving around the cones to their right and left.
  3. Players play in two-touches; immediately after making a pass, the passer touches their chest to the ground and quickly returns to their feet to receive the next pass.
  4. Players play in two-touches; immediately after making a pass, the passer turns and runs around the cone behind them and check-in to the middle of the cones to receive the next pass.
  5. Players play in two-touches; immediately after making a pass, the passer touches their butts to the ground and quickly returns to their feet to receive the next pass.
  6. Players play in two-touches; immediately after making a pass, the passer moves backward to the cone and checks-in to the middle of the cones to receive the next pass.
  7. Players play in one-touch passes.
Drill Variations
  • Be creative and add other activities to mix things up.
Drill Focus

Passing, Receiving, Fitness, Warm-up