SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Simple Obstacle Course

Soccer Drill Diagram: Simple Obstacle Course
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers, Soccer Balls

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 4-8 Field: 10x20
Players: 10+ Focus: Agility
Difficulty: Easy Time: 10 min.
Goalkeeper: No Team
Rating: 0 / 5 Views: 7,617
Published: 8/23/2024 Author: Chris Johnson

This simple obstacle course is fun for young players and focuses on agility, dribbling, and scoring goals. This simple, fun obstacle course develops young players' agility, dribbling, and goal-scoring abilities. This drill sharpens dribbling technique and enhances coordination while navigating through obstacles. The focus is on building control and precision under dynamic conditions.

Drill setup
  1. Set up an obstacle course using cones.
  2. Create a starting point by placing a cone about 3 yards from where you will place the first "hurdle obstacle." The hurdle can be short or tall cones or an agility hurdle.
  3. Three yards from the starting cone, set 3-5 hurdle obstacles about 1-yard apart.
  4. Using training sticks or cones, create a line of 4 to 6 sticks approximately 3 yards apart. Closer for more skilled dribblers.
  5. Set a Pugg or small soccer goal about 8-10 yards from the last training stick.
  6. Each player starts with a soccer ball at the beginning of the course.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Encourage players to use both feet and different parts of the foot to dribble
  • Encourage players to keep the ball close when navigating around the sticks
  • Teach players to look up as much as possible
  • Emphasize quick light touches to maintain control
Drill Instructions
  1. Players begin at the start of the obstacle course with their ball.
  2. On the coach's signal, the first player passes to the coach and performs some agility technique over or around the hurdles.
  3. When the player reaches the end of the hurdles, the coach passes the ball back to the player, who slalom dribbles through the set of training sticks.
  4. Next, the player will dribble a few touches and have a shot on goal.
  5. The player should collect their ball and return to the starting point.
  6. Encourage players to use both feet and different parts of the foot to maneuver the ball.
Drill Variations
  • Make it a competition by counting the times the players score
Drill Focus

Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, FUN