SoccerXpert Soccer Drills

Three Person Passing Combination

Soccer Drill Diagram: Three Person Passing Combination
Drill Equipment

Disc Cones/Markers

Drill Quick Glance
Age: 9+ Field: 10X20
Players: 3 Focus: PASSING
Difficulty: MEDIUM Time: 10 MINS.
Goalkeeper: NO Team
Rating: 3.79 / 5 Views: 317,041
Published: 7/19/2012 Author: Chris Johnson

This passing combination drill that involves three players at a time. The combination sequence that will help perfect passing, combination play, movement off the ball, and will help improve player’s fitness level.

Drill setup
  1. Create a grid approximately 10X20 yards.
  2. Two players start on the corner cone opposite each other.
  3. One player starts in the center of the grid.
Drill Coaching Points
  • Focus on the quality of passes such as weight, pace, accuracy.
  • A well-timed run facing the passing direction will assure a more accurate pass.
  • The players must communicate with each other to make the drill easier.
  • Players must concentrate on making the correct runs off the ball.
Drill Instructions
  1. Player 1 starts the play by passing to the central player (Player 2).
  2. Player 1 moves to the cone to his side and receives the ball back from player 2.
  3. After returning the ball to player 1, player 2 moves to player 1's original starting position at the cone.
  4. Player 1 plays a long ball to Player 3 and moves into the center of the grid to become the new central player.
  5. Player 3 plays into Player 1 who returns the ball to player 3 at the cone placed 10 yards away.
  6. Player 1 now takes the starting position of Player 3 while Player 3 plays a long ball down to the starting position and Player 3 becomes the central player.
  7. The pattern is repeated.
Drill Variations
  • Switch and go the other direction so that players are used to playing from different angles.
Drill Focus

Passing, Receiving, Fitness, Possession, Warm-up